

This policy applies to use of the 联邦审计署 of Massachusetts (CTR) website, MAComptroller.org. 当用户浏览maccomptroller时.org, 用户将看到链接, 当点击, 会把他们带到其他英联邦或外部网站吗. 此政策不适用于其他英联邦或外部网站, which may have their own privacy policies tailored to the interactions available through each site.


用户隐私与maccomptroller有关.org是用户和点击率合作的结果.  bet356官网首页通过maccomptroller收到的所有信息.org受马萨诸塞州一般法律第66章第10节公共记录法的约束. maccomptroller的信息.用户通过MACcomptroller提供给bet356官网首页的信息.网站可能会向公众开放, 除非该信息属于特定的法定豁免.

此策略详细说明了bet356官网首页从maccomptroller收集的信息.组织用户,bet356官网首页用它做什么,它可以传播给谁,以及用户如何访问它. 基于这些信息. MAComptroller.org users can maximize the benefits of the privacy partnership with CTR by making informed decisions about what information to share with CTR through MAComptroller.org.


通过maccomptroller链接的社交媒体平台.Org是由第三方提供商托管的. 访问这些第三方社交媒体网站时, 用户须遵守第三方提供商的隐私政策和服务条款. 此外,MAComptroller.org links to other web portals through which users are able to submit information (NextRequest, ServiceNow, Socrata, 所以). These portals are also hosted by third party providers; thus, 访问这些第三方平台时, 用户须遵守该提供商的隐私政策和服务条款.

bet356官网首页强烈建议用户阅读网站政策, 包括隐私政策, 他们通过maccomptroller上的链接访问的任何外部网站.org.


MAComptroller.Org不通过网站本身收集用户的信息. 偶尔,MAComptroller.Org将邀请用户通过电子邮件提交信息. Users should note that any information shared with CTR (or any department of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) may be subject to the public records law and ultimately disclosed in response to a public request.


MAComptroller.org使用“持久cookie”.” The purpose of these Persistent Cookies is to collect and aggregate data regarding MAComptroller.org’s user activity in order for CTR to continuously evaluate and improve its website services. MAComptroller.org用户可以选择禁用持久cookie. Please be advised that disabling the Persistent Cookies may affect users’ ability to view or interact with MAComptroller.org.

MAComptroller.org collects and stores users’ “Internet Protocol (“IP”) address” (which does not identify users as an individual) indefinitely, 还有bet356官网首页日期的信息, time, 以及用户访问的持续时间, 他们使用的设备和浏览器, 他们IP地址的大致位置, 他们与网站互动的性质, 以及它们是如何被提交给maccomptroller的信息.org.

bet356官网首页用maccomptroller.org用户的IP地址,以评估内容和maccomptroller布局的有效性.org; CTR will not attempt to match any personally identifiable information that the user provides to CTR to the user’s IP address.





Data collected: Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit MAComptroller.org, 当他们这样做时,他们访问了什么页面, 以及他们来maccomptroller之前使用的其他网站.org.

隐私政策: www.google.com/privacypolicy.html

使用条款: http://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/terms/us/www.google.com/analytics/tos.html





Data collected: Google Tag Manager collects information such as how often users visit Macomptroller.org, 他们访问哪些页面, 当他们这么做的时候, and what actions they take while visiting the site such as clicking a link or filling out a form.

隐私政策: http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/

服务条款: http://www.google.com/analytics/tag-manager/use-policy/




bet356官网首页仅将从工具获取的信息用于改善用户体验. 工具可能会收集其他数据,例如浏览器信息, 操作系统, 以及通过会话cookie或持久cookie实现的页面浏览量.

除非本隐私政策另有规定, we do not combine the information collected through the use of any Tool with personally identifiable information. Each Tool plants a persistent cookie on the user’s web browser to identify the user as a unique user the next time the user visits MAComptroller.org. 这个持久Cookie只能由maccomptroller使用.org或相应工具的出版商(“软件出版商”). The Software Publisher’s ability to use and share information collected by the Software Publisher about the user’s visits to MAComptroller.org受软件发行商的使用条款和隐私政策的限制, 上面提供了链接. Users may prevent the Tools from using Persistent Cookies by disabling cookies on their browser. Some of the Tools permit users to opt-out of the Tool by allowing that Tool to plant a Persistent Cookie on the user’s web browser indicating that the user has opted out. 如果用户在其浏览器上禁用cookie或使用其他浏览器, 不同的电脑, 不同的用户账号, etc.,用户将需要再次选择退出. 如果用户允许持久cookie在他们的web浏览器, 软件发布者拥有追踪用户活动的技术能力, 即使用户更改了他们的IP地址, 只要用户正在使用植入持久Cookie的web浏览器. Users should refer to the Software Publisher’s 隐私政策 and Terms of Use to determine if they do track users via the persistent cookie.


maccomptroller上的某些链接.org (whether integrated with Tools or otherwise) facilitate interaction with third-party social media sites. Accessing third-party social media functions (whether through a Tool or otherwise) may require a user to log in to a social media provider, and that social media provider may plant a persistent cookie on the user’s web browser to keep users logged in.

Any interaction with such social media providers (whether through a Tool or otherwise) is subject to the social media provider’s site policies, and the provider may plant one or more additional persistent cookies on a user’s web browser as a result of the user’s interaction with it.


Online forms may collect information, which would be hosted by the third party service Formstack. When a user uses this service, the user’s form is securely submitted to Formstack and stored there. 然后将提交的表格传送给CTR工作人员. State government staff will delete form submissions from Formstack when there is no longer an administrative need to retain. Formstack only uses form submissions for internal purposes, and the data is considered private. Formstack will not distribute or sell user information to a third party unless required by law or a valid government request. 如果Formstack被其他公司收购或合并,它也可以共享信息. 请参阅Formstack隐私政策 http://www.formstack.com/legal/website-privacy-policy.



If a user voluntarily submits personally identifiable information to CTR related to their use of MAComptroller.org, 其传播受《bet356英国在线》管辖, 《bet356英国在线》(马萨诸塞州普通法第66A章), 以及其他适用的法律法规. 有关根据《bet356英国在线》豁免披露的资料类别的资料, 请阅读英联邦秘书的 马萨诸塞州公共记录法指南.

The information users voluntarily submit will be disclosed only to Commonwealth employees or officials, 或与联邦签订合同的人, “需要知道”是为了履行他们的工作职责. 这些信息将用于以下目的, but not limited to: answering users’ questions; responding to any requests for assistance; generating summary statistics about website usage; auditing applications and detecting fraud; aiding in the planning, design, 维护, 以及maccomptroller的开发.org; and fulfilling the Commonwealth’s legal obligations.

CTR将收集和汇总maccomptroller的信息.org用户通过调查和maccomptroller提供的信息.org’s collection of non-personally identifying analytics data  to improve user experience by making MAComptroller.组织更能响应客户需求. 在适当的情况下,CTR可以提供maccomptroller提交的信息.org用户可以通过电子邮件向个人或公司发送电子邮件,这是maccomptroller的主题.组织用户查询, 或向负责《bet356官网首页》所述事项的政府机构提交.组织用户沟通.




Information automatically collected from users is encrypted; however, users should not send messages containing information that users consider highly sensitive to MAComptroller.org. CTR使用标准的安全措施来确保用户提供的信息, 包括个人身份信息, 没有丢失, misused, altered, 或者无意中破坏. CTR also uses software to monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, 否则会造成损害. 除了被授权的执法部门, 欺诈或网络安全调查, 不尝试识别单个用户或他们的使用习惯.

Special Protections Against Misuse of Personally Identifiable Information Within Commonwealth Offices

This website complies with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 93H and other applicable privacy laws. 个人身份信息,审计员.org用户提交给maccomptroller.组织受这些法律的保护.


对本政策的任何实质性变更,bet356官网首页将在其生效前至少30天公布. 采用的任何新隐私政策的条款将仅适用于maccomptroller的使用.Org在这些更改发布日期之后.


有关maccomptroller的问题.org用户在使用maccomptroller时的隐私.组织,请联络 (电子邮件保护).